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Celebrate the Celtic May Day festival, also known as Beltane, with this earthy blend!


Beltane is all about love, passion, fertility, creating future abundance, connecting with ancestors, warding off envy/evil, fearless self-expression, dreaming big, setting ambitious goals and letting your wild side shine!


This blend can be used to purify yourself and others before celebrating/practicing any Beltane rituals, and makes a great annointing oil for love, abundance, grounding, protection and purficiation even after Beltane ends. This blend includes lavender for love, health and peace. Patchouli for energy, sex, aphrodisiac and grounding. Tangerine for physical enegry, joy and purficiation. 


Blended in jojoba oil. 10ml roller.

Beltane Blessings Anointing Body Oil (10ml)


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