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Whether you're ebbing and flowing through a hard time within a current relationship or seeking clarity on what your heart desires, this personalized reading is crafted to provide profound insights into your romantic world.


This read will help you find clarity within love, a connection, rekindling or finding passion within love or a current relationship.



-A carefully designed and easy-to-understand written PDF showcasing an in-depth analysis of your read.                              

-A photo attachment of your spread to reference back to (decks may change with each read).


This will be a five card spread dedicated to giving guidance and offering light to your specific question or need while also receiving a one card oracle pull to gain additional wisdom and divine insight.



  • Submit Your Question: If you have a specific question, include it within the custom field. No question, no problem! Leave the custom field blank and allow Spirit to show you what you need to know.
  • Await Your Reading: Within 1-5 business days you will receive a detailed reading tailored to you. 
  • Receive by Email: Your reading will be delivered straight to your inbox, allowing you to always reference back to it. All readings will come from



- Health related questions. Please consult your physician for any medical advice.

- Legal related questions. Please consult your lawyer/ appointed official for council.

- Any vague “yes” or “no” questions. Please try and be specific when asking your question. Vague questions will receive vague readings. Any "yes" or "no" questions will be reworded to allow the cards to give a more insightful reading.

Love or Relationship Tarot Reading


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