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Illuminate your path for all phases within the Wheel of the Year with an oracle reading to help guide you through each of the upcoming sabbats.


These readings will be done with the corresponding Seasons of the Witch Oracle decks. If there is no deck available for the upcoming sabbat, a deck will be chosen and listed below!


Beltane Deck: Seasons of the Witch Beltane Oracle.


Also known as May Day, Beltane honors life and is a celebration of passion and putting your plans into action. The Earth's energies are at their strongest and most active, where all of life is bursting with potent fertility. At this point in the Wheel of the Year, your potential can be unleashed. This reading is the perfect way to guide you along the way!



1-Card Pull: A general read. Get an idea of what Spirit's message is for this upcoming season or help find your light and guide you through your shadows.

3-Card Spread: Card 1: You | Card 2: Where should your energy be focused? | Card 3: What have you been neglecting?



-A carefully designed and easy-to-understand written PDF showcasing an in-depth analysis of your read.                              

-A photo attachment of your spread to reference back to (decks will change with each Sabbat).



  • Await Your Reading: Within 1-5 business days you will receive a detailed reading tailored to you. 
  • Receive by Email: Your reading will be delivered straight to your inbox, allowing you to always reference back to it. All readings will come from

Witches Sabbat Oracle Reading: BELTANE


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